var xinzhizao = 'XZZ(XinZhiZao)'; var chaxunxitong = 'Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System'; var username = 'Username'; var password = 'Password'; var phonenumber = 'Phone Number'; var verification = 'Code'; var verificationcode = 'Get verification code'; var register = 'Register'; var registered = 'Register'; var fillin = 'Fill in the verification code'; var youusername = 'Your Username'; var youpassword = 'You Password'; var youphone = 'You Phone Number'; var usernamerule = 'Please input 2-24 characters for username, both Chinese, alphabets and numbers are available.'; var passwordrule = 'Password length should be within 6-18 characters (not available for symbols, spaces or Chinese)'; var non_china = 'Non-mainland Chinese mobile numbers, please click here'; var registrationtips = 'For non-mainland Chinese users, please send your desired username and password to'; var user_free = 'VIP has been expired and now become a regular member'; var vip_free = 'VIP member'; var invite_fellow = 'Free to Get VIP'; var recharge = 'Charge VIP'; var new_user_help = 'Beginner`s Guide'; var retrieve = 'After the validation is completed, you can use the phone number to login and find back the password'; var retrieveemail = 'After verification, you can use this email to retrieve the password!'; var usernameshort = 'Username is too short, please re-input it.'; var usernamelong = 'Name exceeds the character limit and can only be between 2 and 24 characters longth.'; var error = 'Incorrect mobile number format'; var fail = 'Submission failed, please try again later or contact customer service'; var currentpassword = 'Current password'; var newpassword = 'New password'; var oldpassword = 'Please input the old password'; var newspassword = 'Please input a new password'; var reset = 'Reset'; var redeem = 'Please input activation code'; var redeemnow = 'Activate now'; var duetime = 'Current expiry date'; var code = 'Incorrect activation code'; var cash = 'Withdrawal of cash'; var cashamount = 'Please input withdrawal amount'; var cashnow = 'Withdraw now'; var usablebalance = 'Current withdrawable cash'; var cashwechat = 'Withdraw to WeChat account'; var cashamounterror = 'Cash withdrawal exceeds the limit'; var record = 'Charge record'; var cancellation = 'Cancel unpaid orders to release frozen balances'; var time = 'Charging time'; var period = 'Recharging Time Period'; var payment = 'Payment method'; var price = 'Price'; var status = 'Status'; var operation = 'Operation'; var cncellations = 'Cancel order'; var paid = 'Paid'; var cancelled = 'Cancelled'; var wait = 'Waiting for payment'; var alipay = 'Alipay'; var wechat = 'WeChat'; var quxiao = 'Are you sure to cancel the order?'; var purchase = 'Purchase now'; var involved = 'Get involved now'; var shuoming = 'Explanation'; var kefulianxi = 'If you encounter problems during the purchase process, please contact customer service'; var product = 'Product'; var querenzhifu = 'Confirm payment'; var new_feedback = 'Latest Feedback'; var my_feedback = 'My Feedback'; var i_want_feedback = 'I want to feedback'; var show_more = 'Show more'; var no_more = 'No more'; var i_want_recharge = 'I want to charge'; var reset_password = 'Reset password'; var balance = 'Current balance'; var exchange = 'Activation code'; var recharge_log = 'Recharge log'; var logout = 'Logout'; var due_time = 'Membership expiry date'; var fusernamerule = 'Please input 1-5 characters for username, both Chinese, alphabets and numbers are available.'; var fusernamelong = 'Name exceeds the character limit. The length can only be between 1-5 characters long'; var sub_account = 'Sub account'; var vip = 'Free VIP'; var index = 'Home'; var download = 'Download'; var update = 'Update log'; var problem = 'Common problem'; var helping = 'Beginner`s Guide'; var registration = 'Free registration'; var vipchongzhi = 'VIP Recharge'; var shuominggongju = 'A software that provides professional maintenance data query for electronic products such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc., registration is free to use.'; var indextishi = 'Tips: Username no bind computer, no restrict on IP login, any PC and IP can login'; var indexguanyu = 'About XZZ(XinZhiZao)'; var indexjianjie = 'Worlds largest maintenance database website. We made a maintenance software for laptop and smartphone in many languages version, it includes circuit diagram,PCB Layer,schematic, bitmap and maintenance cases for the following products.Smartphone includes all iPhone、Samsung、XIAOMI、OPPO、VIVO、MOTO、ONEPLUS、GOOGLE...,Laptop includes Apple, Lenovo, Dell, Hp, Samsung...VIP(all functions)only need less than 0.1 dollar per day.'; var indexnews = 'Latest News'; var indexziyuan = 'A wealth of resources, continuously updated daily'; var email = 'Email'; var youremail = 'Please input your Email address'; var emailverification = 'Mail Code'; var huoquyanzhengma = 'Get Mail Code'; var membership_account_should_be_entered_as_required = 'input your member account as required'; var shuruyonghuming = 'Please input 2-24 characters for username, both Chinese, alphabets and numbers are available.'; var shurumima = 'Password length should be within 6-18 characters'; var lianxiwomen = 'Contact us'; var fankuiqun = 'Feedback group'; var zaixianfankui = 'Online feedback'; var top = 'Back to top'; var tijiaofankui = 'Submit feedback'; var fankuineirong = 'Please input feedback'; var submit = 'Submit'; var neirongguoduan = 'Feedback is too short'; var dafu = 'Reply'; var loading = 'Loading'; var nameless = 'Nameless'; var retrieve_password = 'Retrieve password'; var zhaohuiyonghuming = 'Retrieve username'; var xinmima = 'New password'; var chongzhimimachenggong = 'Password reset successful, please login with the new password!'; var tijiaoshibai = 'Submission failed, please try again later or contact customer service'; var lingquchenggong = 'Congratulations! XZZ(XinZhiZao) VIP membership has been collected successfully!'; var ruanjianxiazaidizhi = 'Software download address'; var dianjixiazai = 'Click to download'; var xiazaihoudenglu = 'Login with this account after downloading'; var indexziyuanshuoming = 'Software is automatically upgraded online every day, more new technical resources will continue to be added on.'; var pcbyidiantong = 'Bitmap'; var pcbyidiantongshuoming = 'The system support PCB files (bitmap + network node), PDF circuit diagram files. Support dual-open, can display PCB and circuit diagram on the same screen.'; var weixiusilu = 'Maintenance Case'; var weixiusilushuoming = 'Rich maintenance ideas and cases, common problems of common models summary, help you quickly repair the machine, achieve twice the result with half the effort. Later, we will integrate the novice videos and other information to help novices get started quickly.'; var dianweitu = 'Circuit block diagrams'; var dianweitushuoming = 'Using the text selection tool to select the corresponding component location number or signal name will automatically pop up the options, click on the corresponding options, you can automatically jump to the corresponding position in the PCB.'; var jieshi = 'Permanent right of interpretation'; var huanyingshiyong = 'Welcome to use XZZ(XinZhiZao)'; var qingdenglu = 'Please login'; var lingqujiangli = 'Information reward'; var gonggao = 'Notice'; var myjiangjin = 'My reward'; var dailishang = 'Reseller'; var huodejiangli = 'Get rewards'; var money = 'USD'; var yaoqingrenshu = 'First-tier friend'; var erjihaoyou = 'Second-tier friend'; var chongzhirenshu = 'Charged people'; var yihuojiangjin = 'Reward received'; var benyuerenshu = 'Quantity of charged people this month'; var jiangliguize = 'Reward rules'; var jiangliyi = 'Reward one、VIP Reward'; var jiangliyishuoming = 'After successfully inviting friends to register, you can get 1 days VIP, maximum 7 days VIP per month.'; var jianglier = 'Reward two、Commission Reward'; var jiangliershouming = 'After your invited friends charge for the first time, you will get the commission,30% of charge amount when the quantity of friends below 10, 40% when the quantity of friends is 10-20, and 50% when the quantity of friends is over 20.There is no commission for long time VIP users who has invited friends and they also charged the long time VIP.'; var jianglisan = 'Reward three、Reseller'; var jianglisanshuoming = 'Resellers can enjoy 10% of charge amount when the second-tier friend charge VIP. When the quantity of inviting friends is over 100, you will be defined as reseller automatically.'; var fuzhilianjie = 'Click to copy the promotion link'; var fuzhilianjie2 = 'Or scan QR code to share with friends'; var download_poster = 'Scan to download poster'; var fenxiangwenzi = 'Try to use XZZ(XinZhiZao) Inquiry Tool. Mobile phone, computer, tablet are included. Checking drawings, bitmaps, common problems, self-learning and maintenance knowledge are all available. The information is updated quickly, support dual-open, no need dongle, no bind computer, support multiple accounts to login at any time and anywhere. Register now to get 3 days VIP membership privileges free, click on the link to start using.'; var weixinfenxiang = 'Promotion QR code'; var wodeyaoqing = 'My invitation'; var xuhao = 'Serial number'; var yiyaoqinghaoyou = 'Friends have been invited'; var yaoqingshijian = 'Invitation Success Time (Friend Registration Time)'; var jiangli = 'Reward'; var zanshimeiyou = 'There is no invitation record at this time.'; var id = 'ID'; var yonghuming = 'Username'; var zhuceshijian = 'Registration time'; var shangjihaoyou = 'Inviter'; var leixing = 'Type'; var jine = 'Amount of money'; var chongzhishijian = 'Charge time'; var chongzhijiangli = 'Charge reward'; var erjihaoyoujiangli = 'Second-tier friend reward'; var ewaijiangli = 'Extra reward'; var homepage = 'Go back to home'; var seven = 'Reward for 1 days'; var putongvip = 'Register now to get VIP'; var mianfeilingqu = 'Free collection'; var shuoming1 = 'After successful registration, please download the software. Click on the download address'; var shuoming2 = 'Please use Google to register and log in. In some regions, you can use your phone number to register'; var newshouji = 'New User Mobile Registration'; var newemail = 'New User Mailbox Registration'; var zhanghaoyaoqiu = 'Membership account should be inputed as required.'; var tishichenggong = 'Successful collection'; var gonggao1 = 'Xunwei students, users of practice magazines and Xunwei certified members can get VIP free of charge. The activity is in progress'; var gonggaodianji = 'Click to get'; var gonggaoshuoming = 'Self-collection ends on July 15!'; var zhucechenggong = 'Register successfully, please remember your username and password. If you forget your password, you can use your phone number to find back it.Please run the software to log in.'; var chenggongzhuce = 'Registration successful'; var mianfeizhuce = 'Register for free'; var lijizhuce = 'Register Now'; var special_price = 'Special Offer'; var sharing_information_rewards = 'Get reward'; var cost_price = 'Original price'; var usecommunication = 'Users communication Email:'; var newcomer_exclusive,_expired_invalid = 'Exclusive for newcomers, invalid after expiration'; var free_get = 'Free to Get VIP'; var free_participation_in_participating_activities = 'Participate to extend VIP free '; var ruanzhu = 'Registration number of XZZ(XinZhiZao) schematic'; var prompt = 'Tips'; var promprone = 'International Multilingual version supports : 简体中文、繁體中文、English、Español、Tiếng Việt、日本語、Portuguese、Türkçe、 بالعربية 、Indonesian、Français;'; var mingbai = 'Noted'; var jizhumima = 'Remember password'; var wangjimima = 'Forget password?'; var denglu = 'Log in'; var youxiangzhuce = 'Register'; var lijizhaohui = 'Retrieve'; var fklxfs = 'Your contact information QQ or emial'; var fuzhilianjie3 = 'Click on the copy link to download on the computer'; var sjxiazai = 'I want to download it directly from my mobile phone'; var feichinafix = 'After the verification code is sent successfully for non-mainland Chinese users, if you do not receive an email alert in your inbox, it may be in your spam folder.'; var modify_account = 'Modify Account'; var modify_phone = 'Modify Phone Number'; var modify_email = 'Modify Email'; var modify_now = 'Modify Now'; var current_phonenumber = 'Current Phone Number'; var current_email = 'Current Email'; var modify_phone_success = 'Modify Phone Number successful'; var noip = 'Username NO bind computer, NO restrict on IP login, any PC and IP can login'; var do_not_bind_the_computer,_anytime,_anywhere_login = 'NO bind computer,can login anytime, anywhere '; var can_query_the_small_chip_component_code,_chip_code_replacement,_english_translation,_diagnosis_card_code,_brush_machine_error,_common_fault,_on_going_updates = 'Can query the small SMD component code, Chip code/Replacement, English language translation, diagnosis card code, flash machine error, common faults. Continuously updated.'; var please_enter_a_keyword,__multiple_keywords_should_be_separated_by_spaces = 'Please enter keywords, separate multiple keywords with spaces'; var vip_expiry_date = 'VIP expiry date'; var tips_update_free = 'TIPS: FREE UPDATE'; var welcome_to_xinzhizao_maintenance_inquiry_system = 'Welcome to XZZ(XinZhiZao) maintenance inquiry system'; var please_login = 'Please Login'; var totop = 'Back to TOP'; var subsidiary_account_management = 'Sub-Account Management'; var sorry,_you_have_not_purchased_multi_accounts_vip,_can_not_use_this_function = 'Sorry, you have not purchased multi accounts VIP, can not use this function.'; var sorry,_your_multi_account_vip_member_has_expired_and_can_not_use_this_feature = 'Sorry, your multi-account VIP license has been expired and can not use this function.'; var vip_expiration_time = 'VIP expiry date'; var multi_account_vip_expiration_time = 'Multi-account VIP expiry date'; var two_sub_accounts_can_be_added_disable_not_accumulate_ = 'Two sub-accounts can be added to the main account(disabled sub-accounts do not accumulate)'; var no_data_yet = 'No data yet'; var scan_code_viewing_course = 'Scan the QR code to see the tutorial about how to use the sub-account function'; var add = 'Add'; var add_user = 'Add User'; var edit_user = 'Edit User'; var confirm = 'Confirm'; var cancel = 'Cancel'; var opening_time = 'Open time'; var expiration_time = 'Expiry time'; var option = 'Operation'; var edit = 'Edit'; var login = 'Login'; var cash_record = 'Cash withdrawal records'; var apply_time = 'Application date'; var amount = 'Amount'; var application_for_cash = 'Request a cash withdrawal'; var tip_after_withdrawing_cash,we_need_to_check_the_payment_on_the_20th_of_each_month = 'Tips: We will review and credit the funds on the 20th of each month after the withdrawal has been requested.'; var total_amount = 'Total amount'; var frozen = 'Frozen'; var withdrawable = 'Withdrawable'; var the_amount_cannot_be_greater_than_the_current_withdrawable_balance = 'The amount cannot be greater than the current withdrawable balance'; var please_enter_paypal_account = 'Please input the PayPal account'; var please_enter_the_withdrawal_amount = 'Please input the withdrawal amount'; var xinzhizao_login_password = 'XZZ(XinZhiZao) login password'; var people = 'People'; var inviting_non_industry_users_to_swipe_the_time_maliciously_will_be_banned = 'Inviting non repair industry users to click farming will be banned.'; var copy_success = 'Copy successful'; var or_share_the_qr_code_with_a_friend = 'Or share the QR code with your friend.'; var wechat_scan_code_opened_the_page = 'Promotion QR code'; var click_on_the_top_right_corner = 'Click on the top right corner'; var to_share = 'Share'; var feedback_log = 'Feedback Log'; var verification_code_error = 'Verification code error'; var login_verification_error = 'Login verification failure'; var if_the_same_user_name_exists,_please_contact_customer_service = 'If the username already exists, please contact customer service'; var password_error = 'Incorrect password'; var this_account_is_disabled = 'The account is disabled'; var successfully_logout = 'Logout successful'; var no_mobile_phone_number_or_mailbox_exists = 'Mobile number or email address does not exist'; var binding_conditions_are_not_met = 'Not eligible for binding'; var wrong_user_name_or_password = 'Incorrect username or password'; var vip_receiving_address = 'VIP access'; var please_copy_the_web_address_and_open_it_in_the_browser = 'Please copy the URL to open in your browser'; var copy_succeeded,_please_go_to_the_browser_and_open_the_connection_directly = 'Copy successfully, please open the link directly with the browser'; var or_password_error = 'or password error'; var share_your_information = 'Provide information'; var if_you_can_provide_information = 'If you can provide information such as drawings, bitmaps, etc., please contact us by email: and you can receive some rewards, such as VIP code.'; var buy_vip = 'Purchase VIP'; var duration_year_ = 'Duration(year)'; var please_enter_the_purchase_quantity = 'Please input the purchase quantity'; var use_balance = 'Use balance'; var pay = 'Pay'; var type = 'Type'; var promote = 'Promote'; var months = 'months'; var account = 'account'; var year = 'yr'; var what_is_3_account = 'What is 3 users'; var special_offer_for_old_users = 'Special offer for old users'; var please_remember = 'Please remember'; var please_enter_your_mobile_phone_number_first = 'Please input your mobile phone number first'; var please_enter_your_mailbox_first = 'Please input your mailbox first'; var please_enter_your_contact_information = 'Please input your contact information.'; var feedback_is_successful_thank_you_for_your_valuable_comments = 'The feedback was successful, thank you for your valuable input.'; var verification_code_sent_successfully = 'Verification code sent successfully'; var please_login_first = 'Please login first'; var the_mailbox_has_been_used = 'The mailbox has been used'; var the_mailbox_verification_code_is_incorrect = 'The mailbox verification code is incorrect'; var you_have_not_bought_too_many_account_vip,_please_buy_it_first = ''; var must_not_exceed_the_expiration_time_of_multi_account_vip = 'Cannot exceed the expiry time of the multi-account VIP'; var you_are_a_subaccount_and_cannot_add_subaccounts = 'It is a sub-account and cannot add a sub-account'; var your_sub_account_has_reached_the_upper_limit = 'You have reached the maximum number of sub-account'; var illegal_operation = 'No permission to operate'; var user_name_already_exists = 'Username already exists'; var save_success = 'Saved successfully'; var save_error = 'Save failed'; var the_exchange_code_has_been_issued,_so_pay_attention_to_the_next_event = 'The activation code has been issued, please pay attention to the next event'; var the_mobile_phone_number_is_not_registered,_please_register_first = 'Mobile number not registered, please register first!'; var the_purchased_package_does_not_exist = 'The purchased package does not exist'; var sorry,_you_are_a_single_account_user_multiple_accounts_cannot_be_renewed_within_half_a_year = 'Sorry, you are the single account user, cannot renewed multi-account within half a year.For enquiries, please contact Customer Service by WhatsApp (+86 18823306625) or Facebook ('; var sorry,_you_are_a_long_term_single_account_user_cross_category_purchase_is_not_supported = 'Sorry, you are a long-term single account user. Cross-category purchases not supported.For enquiries, please contact Customer Service by WhatsApp (+86 18823306625) or Facebook ('; var order_does_not_exist = 'Order does not exist'; var if_you_encounter_payment_problems,_please_contact_our_local_agent = 'If you are experiencing payment problems, please contact our local reseller.'; var the_agent_contact_information = 'Reseller‘s contact details'; var customer_service = 'Customer service'; var whatsapp = 'WhatsApp'; var or = 'or'; var if_payment_fails,_please_replicate_the_address_and_pay_in_the_client = 'Tips: If payment fails, please copy the address and pay in the client'; var failed_to_submit__please_try_again_later_or_contact_customer_service = 'Submission failed, please try again later or contact customer service'; var waiting_for_audit = 'To be reviewed'; var paymented = 'Paid'; var rejected = 'Rejected'; var usd = 'USD'; var contact = 'Contact'; var login_success = 'Login successful'; var usserver = 'International English version'; var reset_password = 'Reset password'; var schematic_query = 'Schematic search'; var click_here_to_copy_the_download_link = 'Click to copy the download link'; var copy_link_succeeded,_please_open_it_in_the_browser = 'Copy link successfully, please open in your browser'; var the_new_version_has_been_updated,_faster,_more_stable_and_more_resources = 'Notice: the version you are login will be out of service soon,
please download the newest version V4.61 in our official website(
Add our official WhatsApp: +86 18823306625'; var xinzhizaoqq = 'XZZ(XinZhiZao) QQ group'; var softsupport = 'Software usage support'; var technicalsupport = 'Maintenance technical support'; var yijidaili = 'Tier 1 Reseller'; var shiyongshengming = 'Statement of Use'; var shengming1 = 'This software contains various schematic diagrams, bitmaps collected from the internet and is free to use without the VIP access, for maintenance reference and learning purposes only.'; var shengming2 = 'The original repair bitmap diagrams, repair guides and repair cases in this software are the original intellectual property of this software, the payment will be required when using. '; var canjoin = 'QQ groups that the members are not full can be joined '; var open = 'Opening'; var notcanjoin = 'Groups that are full and temporarily unavailable for membership'; var haiwaiyonghu = 'Overseas users'; var qun = 'group'; var yiman = 'already fulled'; var dalufuwuqi = 'Mainland China Servers'; var buysoft = 'Purchase software'; var buyimg = 'buy_banner_en'; var cannot_buy_vip = 'The sub account does not support the purchase of VIP at this time'; var day = 'day'; var long_time = 'Lifetime'; var month = 'month'; var month_vip = 'month VIP'; var one_account = '1 user'; var three_account = '3 users'; var long_time_vip_1_account = 'Lifetime VIP 1 user'; var long_time_vip_3_account = 'Lifetime VIP 3 users'; var at_least_20_years = 'at least 20 years'; var recharge_gift_activity_in_progress = 'Charge gift activity in progress'; var general_vip = 'General VIP'; var phone_and_computer_maintenance_data = 'Phone and computer maintenance data'; var free_get_vip = 'Free to Get VIP'; var sharing_software = 'Sharing software'; var no_bind_computer_no_ip_limit = 'No Bind Computer,No IP limit'; var no_dongle_use_account_login_at_any_time = 'No dongle, login anytime with your account'; var use_all_vip_schematics_and_boardview = 'Access to all VIP drawings and bitmaps'; var update_daily_free_of_charge = 'Daily free updates'; var vip_duration_can_superimposed = 'VIP validity can be stacked'; var vip_renewal_discount = 'VIP renewal discount'; var one_primary_account_manages_two_secondary_accounts = 'One main account manages two sub-accounts'; var all_update_sync_annual_fee_vip = 'All updates synchronised with annual membership'; var cash_reward_for_sharing_software = 'Share the software to get cash rewards'; var get_rewards_after_recharging = 'Get rewards after charging'; var sharing_links_long_term_effective = 'Share link is valid for a long time'; var rewards_can_cashed_out = 'Rewards can be withdrawn (PayPal)'; var purchase_vip_can_deduction_use_rewards = 'Rewards can be used to purchase VIP credit'; var addressno = 'Address no longer valid.'; var failedtoget = 'Failed to get basic information of third-party user.'; var tokenhas = 'Token has been invalid or expired.'; var unauthorized = 'Unauthorized'; var authorised = 'Authorised'; var unknownerror = 'Unknown error'; var fbglpassword = 'Your password is incorrect. Please enter the correct password.'; var fbuseryoubound = 'Sorry, the user you bound does not exist, please register a new user.'; var missingtokendata = 'Missing token data, please re-authorise login.'; var facebookaccount = 'Facebook account has bond to other account already.'; var usernameexists = 'The same username exists, please change your username.'; var emailaddresshas = 'This email address has a registered account with the user name XZZ(XinZhiZao). Please select the old user you want to bind to, or change the email address.'; var registerandbind = 'Register and Bind'; var loginandbind = 'Login and Bind'; var authorise = 'Authorise'; var accountloginsuccessfully = 'Account login successfully.'; var googleaccounthas = 'Google account has bond to other account.'; var pleasere_open = 'Please re-open Xinzhizao client to login.'; var accountregister = 'Account register successfully.'; var bindtoaccount = 'Bind to account'; var registeraccount = 'Register account'; var pleasechoosetobindto = 'Please choose to bind to the XZZ(XinZhiZao) account if you have, if not, please choose to register.'; var selectloginmethod = 'Select login method'; var pleasedownload = 'Please download the client or open it directly to log in.'; var socialaccount = 'Social Account'; var socialaccounts = 'Social accounts have been bound.'; var ifyoudelete = 'If you delete the social account which has been bond to, you will no longer be able to use it to log in XZZ(XinZhiZao).'; var bindanothergoogle = 'Bind another Google account to this account.'; var bindanotherfacebook = 'Bind another Facebook account to this account.'; var newfacebookaccounttobind = 'Your account has been bound to XZZ(XinZhiZao) account. Please unbind it before binding, or change a new Facebook account to bind'; var newgoogleaccounttobind = 'Your account has been bound to XZZ(XinZhiZao) account. Please unbind it before binding, or change a new Google account to bind'; var iplog = 'Login Record'; var country = 'country'; var province = 'province'; var city = 'city'; var logintime = 'login time'; var paytips = 'Tips:VIP permission is not available for [Customized Diagram]'; var bversion = 'Dear user, at 8 am on March 7, Beijing time, our server will be upgraded and maintained. At that time, the service will be unstable, which is expected to take 30 minutes. Please forgive me for the inconvenience!'; var servertips = 'Server maintenance notification'; var mark_manage_receiv = 'Marking manage/collect'; var mark_manage = 'Marking manage'; var mark_receiv = 'Marking collect'; var mark_friend_share = 'Friend‘s sharing'; var mark_my_share = 'My sharing'; var mark_my_mark = 'My marking'; var mark_code = 'Please input the collection code'; var mark_content = 'Check the marking content'; var mark_share_mark = 'Sharing the marking'; var mark_filepath = 'Files route:'; var mark_all = 'Select all'; var mark_save_receiv = 'Collect and Save'; var mark_share_user = 'Sharer'; var mark_del = 'Delete'; var mark_unload = 'Save'; var mark_search = 'Search'; var mark_input_filename = 'Please input the file name'; var mark_audit_failed = 'Review not approved'; var mark_edit = 'Edit'; var mark_revise = 'Modify'; var mark_cancel_share = 'Cancel sharing'; var mark_save_mark = 'Please select the markings to be saved!'; var mark_save_success_mark = 'Save successfully, if the board view is currently opened, close it and reopen it to see the new added markings.'; var mark_save_failed = 'This annotation does not need to be saved'; var mark_unload_failed = 'Save failed, please try again later'; var mark_unload_success = 'Save successfully, please check in My Markings'; var mark_ok_delete = 'Are you sure to delete it?'; var mark_ok_no = 'Cancel'; var mark_ok_yes = 'Sure'; var mark_del_failed = 'Delete failed, no corresponding data was found under the account'; var mark_ok_share = 'Are you sure to cancel your sharing?'; var mark_ok_share_failed = 'Cancel failed, please try again later'; var mark_del_success = 'Delete successfully'; var mark_unload_mymark = 'Save as my marking'; var mark_wait_receive = 'Wait to collet'; var mark_number_receive = ' users collect'; var mark_miss_parameter = 'Missing parameters'; var mark_parameter_empty = 'The parameter pos cannot be empty'; var mark_miss_user = 'Lack of sharers'; var mark_request_incorrect = 'Incorrect request method'; var mark_miss_filepath = 'Lack of route'; var mark_miss_username = 'User does not exist'; var mark_save_success = 'Save successfully'; var mark_revise_failed = 'Modify failed, no corresponding data was found under the account'; var mark_revise_success = 'Modify successfully'; var mark_share_nonumber = 'Sharer`s user information does not exist'; var mark_share_me = 'Can`t share to yourself'; var mark_share_notome = 'User information of the person being shared does not exist'; var mark_share_failed_examine = 'Share failed, content may contain sensitive information, under review'; var mark_share_failed = 'Share failed, the sharing contained sensitive information'; var mark_share_failed_no = 'Share failed, sharing content is empty'; var mark_share_code = ''; var mark_share_success = 'Sharing Success'; var mark_no_failed_mark = 'Cancel failed, missing cancellation parameters'; var mark_ok_success_mark = 'Cancel successfully'; var mark_save_failed_nomark = 'Save failed, data does not exist'; var mark_incorrect = 'The data is incorrect, please try again later!'; var mark_non_existent = 'The marking does not exist, please input the correct collection code!'; var mark_draw_you = 'You cannot collect your shared markings'; var mark_unable_view = 'The marking contains sensitive information and is temporarily unavailable for viewing!'; var mark_nofriend_share = 'No friend`s sharing at the moment'; var mark_youno_share = 'You haven`t shared marking yet, go to share marking!'; var mark_youno_mark = 'You haven`t added marking yet, go to add it to the ".pcb" file!'; var mark_review = 'Under Review'; var mark_no_login = 'You haven`t logged in, please login first, you will be directed to the login page soon'; var mark_tips = 'Tips'; var mark_get_you = 'Shared with you'; var mark_get_mark = 'Callout of'; var mark_up_page = 'previous page'; var mark_next_page = 'next page'; var mark_share_share = 'Share'; var mark_share_l = 'Generate sharing link'; var mark_share_f = 'Share with friends'; var mark_share_g = 'Share with Xinzhizao official'; var mark_sharelink_s = 'Sharing succeeded. The link has been saved in the clipboard, and you can paste it directly. You can also view it in My Share.'; var mark_friend_acc = 'Please enter your friend`s account'; var mark_share_xinzhizao = 'Are you sure to share it with the official account of XZZ(XinZhiZao)?'; var mark_share_code_1 = 'I`ve shared a repair marking for '; var mark_share_code_2 = ',copy the code【'; var mark_share_code_3 = '】to XZZ(XinZhiZao) Schematic Program - Member Center - Marking Management to collect it'; var kefu = 'Customer Service WhatsApp(+86 18823306625),Facebook:{a}Please click{/a}, Download address:{a}Please click{/a}'; var kefu_tips = 'The lower version of XZZ(XinZhiZao) you are using is about to be deactivated. Please download the latest version from the official website as soon as possible to avoid affecting normal use.'; var kefu_mag = 'Notice: {c #ff0000}The version you logged in has stopped service, {n} please download the newest version in our official {n} website( {a}{/a} ). {n} Add our official WhatsApp: +86 18823306625 {n}{/c}'; var your_current_account_cannot_use_this_experience_redemption_code = 'Your current account cannot use this experience redemption code'; var new_user = 'First buy price'; var old_user = 'Renewal price'; var index_tips = 'Suitable for overseas registered users.'; var meirixianliang = 'Original price: ${:num1}, limited time offer price ${:num2}, {:num3}pcs left today'; var download_client = 'Download Client'; var video_tutorials = 'Video Tutorials'; var video_error = 'Video error'; var more = 'More'; var this_version_no_update_content = 'There are no updates to show in this version'; var suitable_for_short_term_experience = 'Suitable for short-term experience'; var customization_zone = 'Customization zone'; var drone = 'Drone'; var duration = 'Duration'; var game_console = 'Game Console'; var car_drawing = 'Car'; var phone = 'Mobile phone'; var computer = 'Computer'; var custom_vip_time = 'View Customized VIP Time'; var tongyong_vip_time = 'View VIP permissions in the mobile and computer areas'; var expiration_date = 'Expiration date'; var no_permission = 'No permission'; var expired = 'Expired'; var the_information_is_being_produced_on_an_expedited_basis_and_is_not_open_at_this_time = 'The information is being produced on an expedited basis and is not open at this time.'; var prev = 'Prev'; var next = 'Next'; var finished = 'Finished'; var click_to_download_the_latest_version = 'Click to download the latest version >>'; var custom_vip_no_buy = 'Please log in or register your main account to purchase custom zone permissions'; var maintenance_inquiry_system = 'Maintenance query system'; var one_year = 'one year'; var this_vip_is_only_applicable_to_the_mobile_phone_area = 'This VIP is only applicable to the mobile phone area'; var this_vip_is_only_applicable_to_the_computer_area = 'This VIP is only applicable to the computer area'; var area_expiration_time_ = 'area Expiration time:'; var goods_product = 'Product Center'; var goods_no_googs = 'No products available at the moment!'; var goods_guide = 'Product specifications'; var goods_prices = 'Recruit agents'; var goods_contact = 'Contact us'; var goods_lingsou = 'Retail price'; var training_institution_student_account_management = 'Training institution student account management'; var your_account_is_not_a_training_institution_account_and_cannot_use_this_feature = 'Your account is not a training institution account and cannot use this feature.'; var your_training_institution_account_permissions_have_expired_and_you_are_unable_to_use_this_feature = 'Your training institution account permissions have expired and you are unable to use this feature.'; var training_institution_account_expiration_date = 'Training institution account expiration date'; var one_main_account_can_add_20_student_accounts__disabled_student_accounts_will_not_accumulate_ = 'One main account can add 20 student accounts (disabled student accounts will not accumulate)'; var your_available_student_account_has_reached_the_limit = 'Your available student account has reached the limit'; var this_student_account_is_not_related_to_you = 'This student account is not related to you'; var the_maximum_limit_for_student_accounts_is_full_please_modify_the_existing_student_accounts_to_use_them = 'The maximum limit for student accounts is full. Please modify the existing student accounts to use them'; var the_username_already_exists = 'The username already exists'; var student_account_saved_successfully = 'Student account saved successfully'; var student_account_save_failed = 'Student account save failed'; var due_to_account_security_reasons,_your_account_is_a_student_account_and_needs_to_be_consistent_with_the_computer_network_of_the_training_teacher_in_order_to_log_in_if_you_have_any_questions,_please_contact_the_training_teacher = 'Due to account security reasons, your account is a student account and needs to be consistent with the training teacher’s computer network in order to log in. If you have any questions, please contact the training teacher!'; var official_seller = 'Official Seller'; var eeprom = 'EEPROM Software Download'; var supported_categories = 'Supported categories: Apple phones, Android phones, Apple laptops, iPad, Microsoft Surface tablets, Nintendo gaming consoles, DJI drones, several major brands of laptops, desktop motherboards, graphics cards, etc.'; var pakistan = 'Pakistan'; var bangladesh = 'Bangladesh'; var india = 'India'; var philippines = 'Philippines'; var russia = 'Russia'; var middle_east = 'Middle east'; var brasil = 'Brasil'; var indonesia = 'Indonesia'; var myanmar = 'Myanmar'; var argentina = 'Argentina'; var cambodia = 'Cambodia'; var jordan = 'Jordan'; var vietnam = 'Vietnam'; var recruiting_agents = 'recruiting agents'; var abroad_general_agent = ' ABROAD GENERAL AGENT'; var small_abroad_general_agent = 'Abroad General Agent'; var add_country_agent = 'We are recruiting agents for various countries and regions. If you want to sell XZZ(xinzhizao) software as an agent, you can contact us through the following contact information.'; var recruitment_agency = 'RECRUITING AGENTS'; var south_asia_agent = ' SOUTH ASIA AGENT'; var philippines_agent = ' Filipino agent'; var russia_agent = 'Russian agents'; var middle_east_agent = 'Middle Eastern agents'; var brasil_agent = 'Brazilian agent'; var indonesia_agent = 'Indonesian agent'; var myanmar_agent = 'Myanmar agent'; var argentina_agent = 'Argentine agent'; var jordan_agent = 'Jordanian Agent'; var cambodia_agent = 'Cambodian Agent'; var vietnam_agent = 'Vietnamese agent'; var easy_useful_repair_tool = 'Easy & Useful Repair Tool:'; var schematics = 'XZZ(XinZhiZao) Schematics'; var makes_it_easy_to_track_the_path_to_find_what_is_causing_the_damage_this_makes_it_easier_for_mobile_technicians_to_work_and_can_save_a_lot_of_time = 'makes it easy to track the path to find what is causing the damage. This makes it easier for mobile technicians to work and can save a lot of time.'; var windows_and_macos_operating_systems = 'WINDOWS AND MACOS OPERATING SYSTEMS'; var supports = ' SUPPORTS'; var we_are_specialist_hardware_solutions = 'We Are Specialist Hardware Solutions'; var includes_circuit_diagram,_pcb_layer,_schematic = ' includes circuit diagram, PCB Layer, Schematic, bitmap and maintenance cases for the following products. Smartphone includes all IPONE、SAMSUNG、XIAOMI、OPPO、VIVO、MOTO、ONEPLUS、GOOGLE..., Laptop includes Apple、Lenovo、Dell、Hp、Samsung...'; var over_1000000 = 'Over 1,000,000 Devices have Installed the App XZZ(XinZhiZao) Schematics in the World'; var direct_order_only_available = 'Direct Order Only Available When No XZZ(XinZhiZao) Official Seller in Your Country'; var direct_order_available_when_no_official_reseller_on_your_country = 'Direct order available when no official reseller on your country'; var license_for_1_user = 'License for 1 User'; var license_for_3_user = 'License for 3 User'; var pc_works = 'PC Works'; var no_ip_unlimited = 'No IP Unlimited'; var months_active = 'Months Active'; var year_active = 'Year Active'; var renewal_available = 'Renewal Available'; var direct_order_reseller = 'Direct Order Reseller'; var direct_order = 'Direct Order'; var search_more_schematic = 'Search More Schematic'; var buy_now = 'Buy Now'; var long_term = 'Long Term'; var retail_order = 'Retail Order'; var multi_language = 'Multi Language'; var supports_11_languages = 'Supports 11 Languages'; var drawing = 'Drawing'; var more_field_powering_your_repair_business = 'More Fleld Powering Your Rerair Business'; var quick_update = 'Quick Update'; var pcb_layer_model_every_month = 'Add 40+ PCB boards every month'; var more_helpful_data_easily_to_settle_problem_by_experienced_skill = ' More Helpful Data Easily To Settle Problem By Experienced Skill'; var specially_for_strong_boss_who_owning_more_shops = 'Specially For Strong Boss Who Owning More Shops'; var valuable_maintenance_mark_safely_storaged_by_cloud_server = 'Valuable Maintenance Mark Safely Storaged By Cloud Server'; var login_flexibly = 'Login Flexibly'; var vip_free_learning = 'VIP Free Learning'; var multi_colore_to_choose = 'Multi Colore To Choose'; var choose_your_own_favourite_color = 'Choose Your Own Favourite Color'; var support_customization = 'Support Customization'; var no_restrict_on_ip_login = 'Unrestricted IP login'; var any_pc_and_ip_can_login = 'Any PC and IP can login'; var more_helpful_data = 'More Helpful Data'; var easily_to_settle_problem_by_experienced_skill = 'Easily To Settle Problem By Experienced Skill'; var login_anytime,_any_shop,_any_pc = 'Login Anytime, Any Shop, Any PC'; var valuable_maintenance_mark = 'Valuable Maintenance Mark'; var safely_storaged_by_cloud_server = 'Safely Storaged By Cloud Server'; var help_desk_support = 'Help Desk Support'; var all_rights_reserved = 'All Rights Reserved'; var by_xzz_xinzhizao_ = 'BY XZZ(XinZhiZao)'; var made_with_from_xinzhizao = 'Made with ❤ From XZZ(XinZhiZao).'; var statewide_distributor = ' Statewide Distributor'; var content_features = ' Content Features'; var keyong = ' Active'; var facebook_login_method_is_temporarily_suspended = 'Facebook login method is temporarily suspended. Please use your email account to log in. If you have any questions, please contact customer service.

WhatsApp: +86 18823306625 Facebook:'; var confirmpassword = 'Confirm password'; var idcardno = 'Id card number'; var passwordquestion = 'Password question'; var passwordanswer = 'Password Answer'; var verificationvode = 'Verification Code'; var selectpasswordquestion = 'Select password question'; var cityofbirth = 'The city where you were born'; var personalcomputermodel = 'The model of your personal computer'; var memoryphone = 'The most memorable phone number'; var favoritephonemodel = 'Favorite phone model'; var unforgettabledates = 'The most unforgettable date'; var passwordissueincorrect = 'Password issue incorrect'; var passwordanswerincorrect = 'Password answer incorrect'; var required = 'required'; var optional = 'optional'; var shuoming3 = 'Optional fields are used to retrieve passwords'; var required_fields_cannot_be_empty = 'Required fields cannot be empty'; var email_format_incorrect = 'Email format incorrect'; var the_two_passwords_entered_are_different = 'The two passwords entered are different'; var too_many_registered_users = 'There are too many registered users at the current time, please try again later!';